5 tips to prepare for a wisdom tooth extraction procedure

wisdom tooth extraction

It will be necessary to determine with the dentist if the wisdom tooth is in good health, if it is not decayed for example. Then, the panoramic X-rays will determine if it is included, semi-included or out in the wrong position.

Perfect dental hygiene is essential several days before the operation to prevent any risk of infection. Present yourself on an empty stomach on the day of the operation.

It is recommended to take appropriate medication (sedative) in case of high anxiety.

1. During the operation

In 99% of cases, the operation can take place in the dental practice. Most often, local anesthesia is sufficient. Sometimes general anesthesia is performed on an outpatient basis.

If the operation may seem impressive, you will not feel anything, do not worry.

A blood clot will form in place of the tooth after the extraction and you will need to remain quiet for about 20 to 30 minutes during this time, without speaking. You will avoid spitting up for a while so as not to break the blood clot.

2. After the operation

You will be prescribed pain and swelling medication depending on your physical condition and your possible risk of allergy.

You will avoid during the first three days after the operation:

During the 24 hours to 48 hours after the operation, you will take only liquid food at body temperature. After a week without the appearance of any complications, you will regain normal functioning of your mouth and jaws. Two weeks will be enough to resume all your usual activities.

3. Avoid all stress

Take a few days off, at least three or four, one day before the day of the extraction and one to two days after. Relax, indulge and unwind. Stress is bad for blood flow and the intervention on a wisdom tooth will necessarily cause a flow of blood, sometimes important, but totally controlled by your dental surgeon of course.

It is not always necessary to intervene on the four wisdom teeth. If this were to be the case, be aware that it will probably take four sessions spaced out over time or general anesthesia.

4. Prepare in advance for your return home

Prepare easy reading, magazines, movies, but avoid planning to work at home during recovery. You will also avoid the computer screen and the telephone for a few days. While sleeping, elevate your head to promote blood circulation. Relax, enjoy!

Of course, in case of bleeding, prolonged fever, feeling of paralysis of the jaw, lips, cheek or tongue, or pain that does not pass, you will notify your dentist as soon as possible.

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