STD Test

STD Test and Others: What’s Right for You?

286 ViewsSexually transmitted diseases are those infections that spread through sexual activity. Various agents, including viruses, parasites, or bacteria, can cause them. Many of these diseases do not show immediate symptoms, making it vital to get regular screening. STD testing is essential for regulating your sexual health and preventing the spreading of infections to others. If we…

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Oncology Department in Cancer Care

The Vital Role of the Oncology Department in Cancer Care

309 ViewsThe fight against cancer is a multidimensional effort, with the Oncology Department at the forefront. This specialised department plays a vital role in cancer care, from diagnosis and treatment to research and patient support. This blog post delves into the integral role of the Oncology Department in managing cancer. Understanding the Oncology Department Oncology…

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choosing your face serum

The complete guide to choosing your face serum

270 ViewsThe face serum is one of the most interesting beauty products for having beautiful skin . For several years, its use alongside other face care has been democratized and almost all brands offer it. However, there is something to be lost in the face of the multitude of face serums available on the market….

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moisturize your skin

Why moisturize your skin?

281 ViewsThe skin of the face is the organ that is most often in contact with external aggressions. It bears the brunt of wind, cold, UV rays, pollution, etc. In addition, she is very sensitive to stress and lack of sleep. Your beauty routine should therefore not neglect the essential needs of your skin. For…

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vegetable juices

The 7 reasons to drink vegetable juices

237 ViewsOur bodies need a more or less significant daily calorie intake, depending on our gender, age, body type and daily physical expenditure… The impact of food on our health is significant. Taking care of yourself starts with bringing varied and balanced products to our bodies. In recent years, with the onset of the pandemic,…

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fruit and vegetable juices

The benefits of fruit and vegetable juices

289 ViewsThe consumption of vegetable and fruit juices has many advantages that we invite you to discover in this article. Consume more fruits and vegetables It is established: the consumption of fruits and vegetables is good for your health. However, it is quite difficult to consume this type of product very regularly, notably because of…

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exercise to improve fitness

Physical exercise to improve fitness with a health goal

271 ViewsIn recent years, many studies have shown the interest of physical activity and its beneficial effects in primary and tertiary prevention. Patients who are motivated to take charge of their health are very keen on advice concerning the resumption and programming of physical activities. How to proceed so as not to disappoint a person…

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wisdom teeth

Preparation for the extraction of wisdom teeth

267 ViewsThe extraction of wisdom teeth is a procedure that is often feared by patients. However, with proper preparation and following the dentist’s postoperative advice, one can help facilitate recovery and healing following this surgery. In this sense, the API Dental Group team offers you some advice that will be beneficial to you if you…

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